Web analytics meets privacy and technology

Demystify click tracking technology. Learn about Big Data and Distributed System. Discover the meaning of UTM and other link tracking parameters. Unfurl the complex language of privacy and compliance.

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Google Analytics and the Meta Pixel help track and target individuals, but these products also snoop on millions of people every day.

Big Tech’s Tracking Tools: Google Analytics and the Meta Pixel

Is GDPR enforcement working? This article explores the GDPR’s enforcement mechanisms and considers the differing approaches of regulators across Europe.

How (and Whether) GDPR Enforcement Works

Newsletters are fun to write, easy to manage, and can help you speak directly to your customers. But is your newsletter GDPR compliant?

How to start a GDPR Compliant Newsletters

EU, US, China, India, Japan, Brazil and rest of the world is changing privacy laws. Does taking privacy seriously make good business sense?

The Tide Is Turning: 3 Reasons to Start Taking Privacy Seriously

The GDPR provides strict rules dictating how and when personal data can be transferred to a person in a country outside of Europe

GDPR: How and When to Use Data Transfer Derogations

Is your global Content Delivery Network GDPR Compliant? The answer might be more complicated than you think!

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) and the GDPR

Many GDPR fines arise from organizations failing to implement Data Protection By Design and By Default correctly. Using Microsoft 365? You might have failed!

Data Protection By Design and By Default: How It Works In Practice

The right of access existed decades before the GDPR, but the CJEU is still answering questions about how it works.

Three Lessons on Subject Access Requests From the CJEU in 2023

Is Digital Services Act only about Google and Meta? How does it impact you, the Internet user? Is it any good?

How Will EU’s Digital Services Act Impact Users

While not always illegal, "Dark patterns" are deceptive user interfaces that trick people into acting against their best interests.

Dark Patterns: 10 Examples of Manipulative Consent Requests

Do you need to ask for consent? Should you? The subject of collecting consent under GDPR is not trivial. We can help.

What Is Consent Under the GDPR?

A privacy impact assessment mitigates the risks of using personal data. It is vital for businesses to reduce risk.

What Is the Purpose of a Privacy Impact Assessment?

Windows can be a secure and efficient developer workstation. Windows machine can be used as your daily driver without making concessions.

How to set up secure, private Windows developer Workstation?

There exists an Inverse Relationship Between Surveillance Enabled AI and the freedoms we all enjoy. Change my mind!

Mass Surveillance Powered AI and its Impact on Society

Good content deserves a reward. You can erect a paywall or place ads on your website. If you opt for later, keep it safe for your visitors and reputation.

How to pick Ads and attract advertisers to your website

What will impact web analytics and digital advertising when a user deletes cookies from their browser. Is this even a genuine concern?

What will happen if visitor clears the analytics cookies?

Diving head-on into the rabbit-hole of Bossware,and remote workplace surveillance. Is a surveillance society in our future?

Rise of Bossware; The End of Privacy?

Is Linux ready for the desktop? Follow Sal's journey as he finds his favourite distribution and makes a switch from ad-ridden and eavesdropping Windows.

Privacy and Security Concerns Push Many to Switch to Linux

Opinion: privacy and compliance data brokers have many questions to answer. Rather than being a beckon of transparency, they distort reality.

You Shall Not Pass - the Rise of Compliance Gatekeepers

Ethical marketing is based on social ethics and values rather than solely on legally sound advertising techniques and maximum profit.

Being an "Ethical Marketer" in a post GDPR world

Google is working towards removing predatory third-party cookies. With our cookieless web analytics, you can respectfully gather insight about your traffic.

What Can You Do To Fend off Misguided Web Standards?

Twitter going private into the hands of one polarising individual highlights the importance of choice. Social network or web analytics, you deserve a choice.

When Freedom Means Choice

So you need a Data Protection Officer to satisfy GDPR. Or maybe there are commercial benefits to hiring one. Who is DPO? How to find the right person?

The Importance Of A Data Protection Officer